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Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20230834, jan. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533722
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20230229, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533733


Resumo Fundamento A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) e a doença de Fabry (DF) são doenças herdadas geneticamente com características fenotípicas de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) que causam resultados cardíacos adversos. Objetivos Investigar as diferenças demográficas, clínicas, bioquímicas, eletrocardiográficas (ECG) e ecocardiográficas (ECO) entre CMH e DF. Métodos 60 pacientes com CMH e 40 pacientes com DF foram analisados retrospectivamente como uma subanálise do "estudo LVH-TR" após exclusão de pacientes com fibrilação atrial, ritmo de estimulação, bloqueios de ramo e bloqueios atrioventriculares (AV) de segundo e terceiro graus. O nível de significância foi aceito como <0,05. Resultados O sexo masculino (p=0,048) e a creatinina (p=0,010) são significativamente maiores a favor da DF; entretanto, infradesnivelamento do segmento ST (p=0,028), duração do QT (p=0,041), espessura do septo interventricular (SIVd) (p=0,003), espessura da parede posterior (PWd) (p=0,009), insuficiência mitral moderada a grave (IM) (p=0,013) e o índice de massa ventricular esquerda (IMVE) (p=0,041) são significativamente maiores a favor da CMH nas análises univariadas. Na análise multivariada, a significância estatística apenas permanece na creatinina (p=0,018) e na duração do intervalo QT (0,045). A DF foi positivamente correlacionada com a creatinina (rho=0,287, p=0,004) e a CMH foi positivamente correlacionada com o PWd (rho=0,306, p=0,002), IVSd (rho=0,395, p<0,001), IM moderada-grave (rho= 0,276, p<0,005), IMVE (rho=0,300, p=0,002), espessura relativa da parede (ERP) (rho=0,271, p=0,006), duração do QT (rho=0,213, p=0,034) e depressão do segmento ST (rho =0,222, p=0,026). Conclusão Características bioquímicas, ECG e ECO específicas podem auxiliar na diferenciação e no diagnóstico precoce da CMH e da DF.

Abstract Background Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and Fabry disease (FD) are genetically inherited diseases with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) phenotype characteristics that cause adverse cardiac outcomes. Objectives To investigate the demographic, clinical, biochemical, electrocardiographic (ECG), and echocardiographic (ECHO) differences between HCM and FD. Methods 60 HCM and 40 FD patients were analyzed retrospectively as a subanalysis of the 'LVH-TR study' after excluding patients with atrial fibrillation, pace rhythm, bundle branch blocks, and second and third-degree atrioventricular (AV) blocks. The significance level was accepted as <0.05. Results Male gender (p=0.048) and creatinine (p=0.010) are significantly higher in favor of FD; however, ST depression (p=0.028), QT duration (p=0.041), interventricular septum thickness (IVSd) (p=0.003), posterior wall thickness (PWd) (p=0.009), moderate-severe mitral regurgitation (MR) (p=0.013), and LV mass index (LVMI) (p=0.041) are significantly higher in favor of HCM in the univariate analyses. In multivariate analysis, statistical significance only continues in creatinine (p=0.018) and QT duration (0.045). FD was positively correlated with creatinine (rho=0.287, p=0.004) and HCM was positively correlated with PWd (rho=0.306, p=0.002), IVSd (rho=0.395, p<0.001), moderate-severe MR (rho=0.276, p<0.005), LVMI (rho=0.300, p=0.002), relative wall thickness (RWT) (rho=0.271, p=0.006), QT duration (rho=0.213, p=0.034) and ST depression (rho=0.222, p=0.026). Conclusion Specific biochemical, ECG, and ECHO characteristics can aid in the differentiation and early diagnosis of HCM and FD.

Autops. Case Rep ; 14: e2024475, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533848


ABSTRACT We report the case of a 77-year-old male who suffered from hypertension and died suddenly. At autopsy, he was found to have hypertensive cardiomegaly and a dissecting syphilitic saccular aneurysm of the ascending aorta and arch with tamponade. Chronic aortic regurgitation, which is often seen in syphilitic aortitis, produces an additive effect to the concentric left ventricular hypertrophy seen in hypertension.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529981


Antecedentes: La ECA2 ha mostrado ser un regulador esencial de la funcionalidad cardíaca. En un modelo experimental de insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) con Fier, modelo de coartación de aorta (COA), se encontró activación de la vía Rho-kinasa. La inhibición de esta vía con fasudil no mejoró el remodelado cardíaco ni la disfunción sistólica. Se desconoce en este modelo, si el deterioro de la función cardíaca y activación de la vía rho-kinasa se asocia con una disminución de la ECA2 cardíaca y si la inhibición de Rho-kinasa tiene un efecto sobre la expresión de ECA2. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo es determinar si en la falla cardaca experimental por coartación aórtica, los niveles proteicos de ECA2 en el miocardio se asocian a disfunción sistólica y cual es su interacción con la actividad de ROCK en el miocardio. Métodos: Ratones C57BL6J machos de 7-8 semanas se randomizaron en 3 grupos experimentales. Grupo COA por anudación de la aorta + vehículo; Grupo COA + Fasudil (100 mg/Kg día) por bomba osmótica desde la semana 5 post-cirugía; y grupo control o Sham. Se determinaron las dimensiones y función cardíaca por ecocardiografía. Posterior a la eutanasia, se determinaron los niveles de ECA2 del VI por Western-blot y actividad de la Rho-kinasa Resultados: En los grupos COA+vehículo y COA-FAS hubo deterioro de la función cardíaca, reflejada por la reducción de la FE (47,9 ± 1,53 y 45,5 ± 2,10, p < 0,05, respectivamente) versus SHAM (68,6 ± 1,19). Además, aumentaron las dimensiones cardíacas y hubo desarrollo de hipertrofia (0,53 ± 0,02 / 0,53 ± 0,01, p < 0,05) medida por aumento de la masa cardíaca relativa respecto del grupo SHAM (0,40 ± 0,01). En los grupos COA+vehículo y COA-FAS se encontró una disminución significativa del 35% en la expresión de ECA2 cardíaca respecto al grupo control. Conclusiones: La disfunción sistólica por coartación aórtica se asocia con aumento de la actividad de Rho-kinasa y significativa disminución de la expresión de ECA2. La inhibición de Rho-kinasa no mejoró el remodelado cardíaco, la disfunción sistólica y tampoco modificó los niveles de ECA2 cardíaca.

Background: ACE2 has been described as an essential regulator of cardiac function. In an experimental model of heart failure (HF) and heart failure reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), the aortic coarctation (COA) model, activation of the Rho-kinase pathway of cardiac remodeling was found. Inhibition of this pathway did not improve cardiac remodeling or systolic ventricular dysfunction. It is unknown in this model whether the impairment of cardiac function and activation of the rho-kinase pathway is associated with a decrease in ACE2 and whether rho-kinase inhibition has an effect on ACE2 expression. Objective: To determine if in experimental heart failure due to aortic coarctation, ACE2 protein levels in the myocardium are associated with systolic dysfunction and what is its interaction with ROCK activity in the myocardium. Methods: Male C57BL6J mice aged 7-8 weeks were divided into 3 groups and anesthetized: One group underwent COA+ vehicle; A second group COA + Fasudil (100 mg/Kg/d) by osmotic pump from week 5 post-surgery and; the third group, control(SHAM). Echocardiograms were performed to determine cardiac dimensions and systolic function. Rats were then euthanized. Ventricular expression of ACE2, activity of the Rho-kinase pathway by MYPT-1 phosphorylation, relative cardiac mass, area and perimeter of cardiomyocytes were determined by Western blot. Results: In both COA+vehicle and COA+FAS groups there was deterioration of cardiac function, reflected in the reduction of EF (47.9 ± 1.53 and 45.5 ± 2.10, p < 0.05, respectively) versus the SHAM group (68.6 ± 1.19). In addition, cardiac dimensions and hypertrophy increased (0.53 ± 0.02 / 0.53 ± 0.01, p < 0.05) due to increased relative cardiac mass compared to the SHAM group (0.40 ± 0.01). In the COA+vehicle and COA+FAS groups a significant decrease of 35% in cardiac ACE2 expression was found compared to the control group. Conclusions: Systolic dysfunction due to aortic coarctation is associated with increased Rhokinase activity and a significant decrease in ACE2 expression. Rho-kinase inhibition did not improve cardiac remodeling, systolic dysfunction, nor did it change cardiac ACE2 levels.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529984


La miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH) es la miocardiopatía hereditaria más frecuente, su principal expresión fenotípica consiste en hipertrofia ventricular izquierda (HVI) en ausencia de condiciones de carga que la justifiquen. Cuando existe una variante genética patogénica se denomina MCH sarcomérica. Los criterios diagnósticos más aceptados son HVI ≥ 15 mm en cualquier segmento o ≥ 13 en ciertas condiciones, criterios que tienen tres inconvenientes: 1) La HCM es una patología donde la HVI es evolutiva, existiendo otros elementos más precoces, pero menos precisos, como criptas, bandas musculares y alteraciones de la válvula mitral y músculos papilares; 2) Pacientes de baja estatura pueden no alcanzar estos umbrales; 3) La MCH apical no queda siempre bien representada usando estos grosores, requiriendo indexar por tamaño del paciente y/o considerar la HVI relativa (relación grosor apical / basal que no debe superar 1). Presentamos una serie de casos con genotipo confirmado para MCH que no cumplen los criterios de HVI aceptados para MCH y donde se debe individualizar el diagnóstico considerando los tres elementos señalados.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common inherited cardiac condition; its phenotypic expression consists of ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) unrelated to loading conditions. In patients with a genetic pathogenic variant, the condition is termed sarcomeric HCM. Current diagnostic criteria are based on absolute left ventricular thickness, requiring ≥15 mm in any segment or ≥13 mm in particular conditions. These criteria have three pitfalls: 1) HCM is an evolving disease where LVH occurs gradually, with other early -but less precisephenotypic expressions such as myocardial crypts, muscular bands, or mitral and papillary muscle alterations; 2) Patients with short stature tend to have less LVH and do not reach the proposed thickness threshold. 3) Apical HCM is not correctly addressed in this cut-off as the heart tapers from base to apex, warranting indexing wall thickness to body size and using relative LVH in the apex (ratio from apex/base, abnormal,>1). This small case series includes three patients with a pathogenic genetic variant for HCM that doesn't satisfy the current criteria of LVH. For its precise assessment, the aforementioned points must be considered.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 42(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515100


Antecedentes: El ejercicio de alta intensidad induce hipertrofia miocárdica necesaria para adaptar al corazón a la mayor demanda de trabajo. Se desconoce si correr una maratón induce de forma aguda factores humorales asociados al desarrollo de hipertrofia miocárdica en atletas. Objetivo: Evaluar cardiotrofina-1 (CT1) y el factor de crecimiento análogo a insulina-1 (IGF-1), conocidos inductores de hipertrofia, en maratonistas previo y justo después de correr una maratón y su relación con hipertrofia cardíaca. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo ciego simple de atletas hombres que corrieron la maratón de Santiago. Se incluyó un grupo control sedentario. En todos los sujetos se realizó un ecocardiograma transtorácico estándar. Los niveles de CT1 e IGF-1 se determinaron en plasma obtenidos antes (basal) y justo después de haber terminado (antes de 15 minutos) la maratón, usando test de ELISA. Resultados: Los atletas tenían frecuencias cardíacas menores que los controles, asociado con una mayor hipertrofia miocárdica, determinado por el grosor del septo y pared posterior del corazón, y volúmenes del ventrículo y aurícula izquierda. Los niveles basales de CT1 e IGF-1 fueron similares entre atletas y controles sedentarios. El correr la maratón aumentó los niveles de estas dos hormonas en un subgrupo de atletas. Solo los atletas que incrementaron los niveles de IGF-1, pero no de CT1, tenían volúmenes de ventrículo izquierdo y derecho más grandes que los otros atletas. Conclusiones: IGF-1 que se incrementa de forma aguda por el ejercicio, pero no CT1, estaría asociado con el aumento de los volúmenes ventriculares observado en los atletas.

Background: High intensity exercise induces the development of myocardial hypertrophy necessary to adapt the heart to the increased work demand. Whether running a marathon is associated with acutely induced humoral factors responsible for the development of myocardial hypertrophy observed in athletes is not known. Objective: To evaluate the levels of cardiotrophin-1 (CT1) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), known hypertrophy inducers, in marathon runners before and just after running a marathon and their relationship with cardiac hypertrophy. Methodology: Single-blind prospective study of male athletes who ran the Santiago's marathon. A sedentary control group was included. All subjects underwent a standard transthoracic echocardiogram. CT1 and IGF-1 levels were determined in plasma obtained before (basal) and just after finishing (within 15 min) the marathon using ELISA assays. Results: Athletes had lower heart rates than controls, associated with greater myocardial hypertrophy, as determined by thickness of the heart's septum and posterior wall, and left atrial and ventricular volumes. Basal CT1 and IGF-1 levels were similar between athletes and sedentary controls. Marathon running increased the levels of these two hormones in a subgroup of athletes. Only the athletes who increased IGF-1 levels, but not CT1, had larger left and right ventricular volumes. Conclusion: IGF-1 acutely increased by exercise, but not CT1, was associated with the augmented ventricular volumes observed in athletes.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 43(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536353


La tamsulosina y dutasterida son medicamentos ampliamente usados como tratamiento de la hipertrofia benigna de próstata. teniendo un buen perfil de seguridad. Existen escasos reportes de injuria hepática asociado al uso de tamsulosina; sin embargo, no hay reportes de toxicidad hepática por el uso de dutasterida y del uso combinado de tamsulosina/dutasterida. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 64 años quien desarrolla injuria hepática tras el uso combinado de tamsulosina/dutasterida, desarrollando un patrón de daño hepatocelular y clínica de hepatitis aguda. Se realizo descarte de patología hepática viral, autoinmune y enfermedades metabólicas de depósito, así como de patología biliar mediante ecografía abdominal y colangioresonancia. En la evaluación de causalidad, presentó CIOMS-RUCAM: 6 puntos (probable) y Naranjo: 4 puntos (posible). El paciente presentó respuesta clínica y laboratorial luego de suspender el medicamento.

Tamsulosin and dutasteride are drugs widely used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy. having a good safety profile. There are few reports of liver injury associated with the use of tamsulosin; however, there are no reports of hepatic toxicity from the use of dutasteride and the combined use of tamsulosin/dutasteride. We present the case of a 64-year-old man who developed liver injury after the combined use of tamsulosin/dutasteride, developing a pattern of hepatocellular damage and acute hepatitis symptoms. Viral, autoimmune, and metabolic storage diseases of the liver were ruled out, as well as biliary pathology by means of abdominal ultrasound and resonance cholangiography. In the causality evaluation, CIOMS-RUCAM presented: 6 points (probable) and Naranjo: 4 points (possible). The patient presented a clinical and laboratory response after discontinuing the drug.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219169


Introduction:Adenoidectomy is currently considered the treatment of choice for relief of the nasal airway obstruction due to adenoid hypertrophy. Evidence suggests that topical nasal steroid sprays can cause a reduction in adenoid size. We aim to compare the effectiveness of fluticasone propionate, mometasone furoate (MF) and saline nasal sprays in relieving the signs and symptoms of adenoid hypertrophy and in reducing the size of the adenoids. MaterialsandMethods: We conducted a randomized comparative study on 60 patients divided into three groups A, B, C (20 each). Group A patients treated with fluticasone propionate nasal spray (400 μg/day), Group B patients treated with MF nasal spray (100 μg/day), and Group C patients treated with saline spray (0.65% w/v in purified water which is made isotonic and buffered). Treatment was given up to 12 weeks with follow‑up at 4, 8, and 12 weeks and at each follow‑up visit assessment was done. Final data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21 and numerical variables associated with different groups were analyzed and analysis of variance test was used. Results: Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and X‑ray grades at day 1 among the study groups were not statistically significant, whereas, at 12 weeks results among fluticasone and mometasone groups were significantly better (P < 0.001) as compared to the saline group. There was a significant improvement in the symptoms under all the categories with the use of fluticasone and mometasone. Conclusion: In our study, both fluticasone propionate and MF were able to effectively reduce symptoms and signs of adenoid hypertrophy as well as help in reducing the size of the enlarged adenoid. Both these drugs were well tolerated by the patients

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440755


El entrenamiento con restricción del flujo sanguíneo ha resultado ser una alternativa que logra resultados similares a los conseguidos por el entrenamiento de alta intensidad. El presente artículo ofrece el resultado de una investigación, en la que se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para indagar sobre la efectividad en el aumento de fuerza muscular, así como analizar los mecanismos de acción y metodología de aplicación práctica, mediante el método de restricción parcial de flujo sanguíneo con resistencia a bajas cargas. La literatura revisada respalda los efectos positivos de este método para generar hipertrofia y aumento de fuerza muscular, tanto en población sana como en periodo de rehabilitación. Los principales mecanismos propuestos como mediadores de esta adaptación son la elevación en la secreción de hormona del crecimiento, la señalización intracelular vía anabólica y catabólica y la contribución de procesos inflamatorios o edematosos. Se recomendó trabajar con cargas entre el 20 al 40 % de una repetición máxima y con un volumen de 75 repeticiones por sesión con entrenamiento entre 2 a 4 veces por semana, durante un tiempo mínimo de tres semanas. Se discutió sobre los efectos en la adaptación neurológica, sin existir evidencia que lo respalde. Se concluyó que el método de restricción parcial del flujo sanguíneo genera aumento de fuerza e hipertrofia y se recomienda como método complementario y alternativo al ejercicio de alta intensidad, en poblaciones que necesariamente se ven imposibilitadas de entrenar a altas intensidades.

SÍNTESE O treinamento com restrição do fluxo sanguíneo provou ser uma alternativa que alcança resultados similares aos alcançados pelo treinamento de alta intensidade. Este artigo oferece o resultado de uma pesquisa, na qual foi realizada uma revisão de literatura para investigar a eficácia no aumento da força muscular, bem como para analisar os mecanismos de ação e metodologia de aplicação prática, utilizando o método de restrição parcial do fluxo sanguíneo com resistência a cargas baixas. A literatura revisada apóia os efeitos positivos deste método para gerar hipertrofia e aumentar a força muscular, tanto na população saudável quanto no período de reabilitação. Os principais mecanismos propostos como mediadores desta adaptação são a elevada secreção hormonal de crescimento, a sinalização intracelular através de vias anabólicas e catabólicas e a contribuição de processos inflamatórios ou edematosos. Foi recomendado trabalhar com cargas entre 20 a 40% de uma repetição máxima e com um volume de 75 repetições por sessão com treinamento entre 2 a 4 vezes por semana, por um tempo mínimo de três semanas. Os efeitos sobre a adaptação neurológica foram discutidos, mas não há evidências que sustentem isto. Concluiu-se que o método de restrição parcial do fluxo sanguíneo gera maior força e hipertrofia e é recomendado como um método complementar e alternativo ao exercício de alta intensidade, em populações que são necessariamente incapazes de treinar em altas intensidades.

Blood flow restriction training has turned out to be an alternative that achieves results similar to those achieved by high intensity training. The present article offers the result of a research where, a bibliographical review was carried out to inquire about the effectiveness in increasing muscle strength, as well as to analyze the mechanisms of action and methodology of practical application, through the method of partial restriction of blood flow with endurance to low loads. The reviewed literature supports the positive effects of this method to generate hypertrophy and increase muscle strength, both in the healthy population and in the rehabilitation period. The main mechanisms proposed as mediators of this adaptation are increased secretion of growth hormone, intracellular signaling via anabolic and catabolic pathways, and the contribution of inflammatory or edematous processes. It was recommended to work with loads between 20 and 40 % of a maximum repetition and with a volume of 75 repetitions per session with training between 2 and 4 times a week, for a minimum of three weeks. The effects on neurological adaptation were discussed, without supporting evidence. It was concluded that the method of partial restriction of blood flow generates an increase in strength and hypertrophy and is recommended as a complementary and alternative method to high intensity exercise, in populations that are necessarily unable to train at high intensities.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431957


La hipertrofia de cornetes inferiores representa una de las principales causas de obstrucción nasal en pacientes pediátricos. En estudios recientes se ha observado un aumento significativo de esta patología en niños que no responden a terapia médica. La evidencia disponible recomienda la cirugía como tratamiento de elección en la obstrucción nasal refractaria en niños con cornetes hipertróficos. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no existen criterios formales de derivación a cirugía en la población pediátrica y los estudios en infantes son limitados. Al mismo tiempo, la falta de consenso no ha permitido recomendar una técnica quirúrgica en estos pacientes por sobre otras. Por lo tanto, se hace necesario profundizar las diferentes alternativas disponibles, considerando y optando por aquellas que presenten mayores beneficios y menor riesgo de complicaciones. En la presente revisión se estudió la evidencia disponible hasta el momento sobre este tema en la población pediátrica y además se realizó un análisis de la efectividad y complicaciones de las diferentes técnicas disponibles.

Inferior turbinate hypertrophy represents one of the leading causes of nasal obstruction in pediatric patients. Recent studies have observed a significant increase in turbinate hypertrophy in children that does not respond to medical treatment. The latest evidence recommends inferior turbinoplasty for treating nasal obstruction in children with hypertrophic turbinates. However, until today there are no formal criteria for referral to surgery in the pediatric population, and studies in children are limited. At the same time, the absence of consensus has not allowed the recommendation of one surgical technique over others in these patients. This is why it is necessary to deepen the available alternatives and choose those with more significant benefits and a lower risk of complications. In this review, we study available evidence about this topic in the pediatric population and analyze the effectiveness and complications of different known techniques.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2023 Mar; 121(3): 43-47
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216705


Background and Objectives : Hypertension is a significant public health issue. Isolated Systolic Hypertension (ISH) was once considered to be a benign aspect among the aging population, but an association with an increased risk of Cardiovascular Disease is now known. ISH shows an increasing prevalence with increase in age. This study was undertaken to determine the incidence of ISH among adults in Eastern India. Methods : This study evaluated the adult population (aged 18-70 years) attending the NRS Medical College and Hospital, a Tertiary Care Center in East India. The clinical characteristics and echocardiographic findings were also evaluated. Results : A total of 800 patients met the inclusion criteria, of whom 75 (9.37%) had ISH. Blood Pressure increased with age. The most common echocardiographic change observed in ISH patients was increased Left Ventricular Mass Index (LVMI), while concentric Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) was more common in women than men with isolated Systolic Hypertension. The incidence of LVMI increased as the severity of ISH increased. Furthermore, patients with stage 3 ISH were nearly 4 times more likely to develop Proteinuria. Conclusion : The findings of this study are in line with previous studies evaluating the presence of ISH in the adult Indian population. There is need for effective population screening along with effective treatment for Blood Pressure to reduce morbidity and mortality. Primary prevention strategies may be the need of the hour in the Indian population which is at risk of cardiovascular Disease associated with Hypertension

Femina ; 51(2): 114-119, 20230228. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428710


As pílulas anticoncepcionais consistem na formulação combinada de um estrogênio e um progestagênio ou em apresentações simples de progestagênio isolado com a finalidade de bloquear a ovulação e alterar as condições do útero e das tubas uterinas, bloqueando parcialmente a foliculogênese e a inibição do pico de gonadotrofinas. Desse modo, no que concerne à temática, diversas publicações na mídia de ampla divulgação afirmam que os anticoncepcionais orais têm papel importante na sarcopenia e na hipotrofia, incluindo perda de força muscular e redução do desempenho físico. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar, por meio de pesquisas de artigos, a correlação entre anticoncepcionais hormonais orais e hipotrofia muscular. Foi concluído que os artigos científicos especializados no tema são ainda bastante inconclusivos, sugerindo que há indicações de que usuárias de anticoncepcional oral sejam mais suscetíveis ao dano muscular induzido por exercícios, contudo ainda não há consenso.

Anticonception pills consist of a combined formulation of an estrogen and a progestogen or simple presentations of progestogen alone with the purpose of blocking ovulation and altering the conditions of the uterus and uterine tubes, partially blocking folliculogenesis and inhibiting the gonadotropin peak. Thus, with regard to the subject, several widely publicized media publications claim that oral contraceptives play an important role in sarcopenia and hypotrophy, including loss of muscle strength and reduced physical performance. So, the present work aims to evaluate through article searches the correlation between oral hormonal contraceptives and muscle hypotrophy. It was concluded that scientific articles specialized on the subject are still quite inconclusive, suggesting that there are indications that oral contraceptive users are more susceptible to exercise-induced muscle damage, however there is still no consensus.

Humans , Female , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Progestins/adverse effects , Muscle, Skeletal/drug effects , Ovulation Inhibition/drug effects , Physical Functional Performance
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(9): e20230050, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513635


Resumo Fundamento O aumento do peso frequentemente desencadeia mecanismos que elevam a pressão arterial. A obesidade causa mudanças estruturais no miocárdio, incluindo aumento da massa ventricular, dilatação atrial, bem como disfunções diastólicas e sistólicas. Além disso, variações pressóricas nos hipertensos obesos, como a ascensão matinal (AM), podem ter relevância clínica na prevenção dos eventos cardiovasculares. A AM da pressão arterial é um fenômeno fisiológico, que quando elevada pode ser considerada um fator de risco independente para eventos cardiovasculares. Objetivo Avaliar valores da elevação da AM e sua associação com a hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) e com o Descenso do Sono (DS) em obesos e não obesos hipertensos. Métodos Estudo transversal que avaliou medidas pressóricas à monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) e a presença de HVE, avaliada pela ecocardiografia, em 203 pacientes hipertensos em tratamento ambulatorial, separados em dois grupos: 109 não obesos e 94 hipertensos obesos. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05 em testes bicaudais. Resultados A AM acima de 20 mmHg à MAPA foi detectada em 59,2% dos pacientes do grupo "não obesos" e em 40,6% no grupo "obesos". A HVE foi encontrada em 18,1% no grupo dos não-obesos e em 39,3% no grupo de obesos, p<0,001. No grupo "obesos" foi observado que AM >16 mmHg esteve associada à HVE, com [razão de prevalência: 2,80; IC95% (1,12-6,98), p=0,03]. Para o grupo dos "não obesos", o ponto de corte da AM para essa associação foi >22 mmHg. Conclusão A AM elevada associou-se positivamente com HVE, com comportamento peculiar na população de hipertensos e obesos.

Abstract Background Weight gain can trigger mechanisms that increase blood pressure. Nevertheless, obesity causes structural changes in the myocardium, including increased ventricular mass, atrial dilatation, and diastolic and systolic dysfunction. Additionally, blood pressure variations, like morning surge (MS) in obese hypertensive patients may have clinical relevance in cardiovascular events. Although morning blood pressure surge is a physiological phenomenon, excess MS can be considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events. Objective To evaluate MS values and their association with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and nocturnal dipping (ND) in obese and non-obese hypertensive patients. Methods A cross-sectional study that evaluated BP measurements by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and the presence of LVH by echocardiography in 203 hypertensive outpatients, divided into two groups: 109 non-obese and 94 obese hypertensives patients. The significance level was set at 0.05 in two-tailed tests. Results A MS above 20 mmHg by ABPM was detected in 59.2% of patients in the non-obese group and 40.6% in the obese group. LVH was found in 18.1% and 39.3% of patients in the non-obese and obese groups, respectively, p<0.001. In the "obese group", it was observed that a MS>16 mmHg was associated with LVH, [prevalence ratio: 2.80; 95%CI (1.12-6.98), p=0.03]. For the non-obese group, the cut-off point of MS for this association was >22 mmHg. Conclusion High MS was positively associated with LVH, with a particular behavior in the hypertensive obese group.

South Sudan med. j. (Online) ; 16(3): 102-105, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1452140


Introduction: Middle ear effusion (MEE) is a common childhood disorder that causes hearing impairment due to the presence of fluid in the middle ear which reduces the middle ear's ability to conduct sound. Temporary or persistent hearing loss as a result of MEE causes speech, language and learning delays in children. There are few studies on MEE in Tanzania despite the huge burden of hearing loss among children with adenoid hypertrophy which is a known risk factor for MEE. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 420 children aged nine years and below having adenoid hypertrophy with or without MEE. The diagnosis of adenoid hypertrophy was confirmed with a lateral view x-ray of the nasopharynx and tympanometry for cases with MEE. The primary objective of the study was to assess the prevalence of MEE among children with adenoid hypertrophy. Results: The prevalence of MEE among children with adenoid hypertrophy was 61.7%, with 218 (51.9%) males and 202 (48.1%) females. The most affected age group was 2-4 years with an incidence 193 (46%) and in this age group, males (53.9%) were more affected than females (46.1%). Generally, males, 134 (51.7%) were more affected by MEE than females, 125 (48.3%) of all 259 children with MEE. In terms of age group predominance by MEE, children aged 3-4 years, 107(41.3%) were more affected than all other age groups. Additionally, 4 (1.5%) children with MEE presented with hearing loss. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of MEE among children with adenoid hypertrophy but no significant association with hearing loss.

Otitis Media with Effusion , Hearing Loss , Hypertrophy , Referral and Consultation
Singapore medical journal ; : 415-422, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984192


Muscle fibres are multinuclear cells, and the cytoplasmic territory where a single myonucleus controls transcriptional activity is called the myonuclear domain (MND). MND size shows flexibility during muscle hypertrophy. The MND ceiling hypothesis states that hypertrophy results in the expansion of MND size to an upper limit or MND ceiling, beyond which additional myonuclei via activation of satellite cells are required to support further growth. However, the debate about the MND ceiling hypothesis is far from settled, and various studies show conflicting results about the existence or otherwise of MND ceiling in hypertrophy. The aim of this review is to summarise the literature about the MND ceiling in various settings of hypertrophy and discuss the possible factors contributing to a discrepancy in the literature. We conclude by describing the physiological and clinical significance of the MND ceiling limit in the muscle adaptation process in various physiological and pathological conditions.

Humans , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/physiology , Hypertrophy/pathology , Muscle, Skeletal
Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 216-219, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992286


Objective:To investigate the characteristics of cardiac structure and function changes in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients.Methods:The information of 363 MHD patients with dialysis age ≥3 months who were registered in Huadu District People′s Hospital of Guangzhou City before January 2020 was collected, and the echocardiographic screening was performed to analyze the changes in cardiac structure and function.Results:The most common abnormal changes of heart structure and function in MHD patients were valve regentation (69.7%), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (51.8%), left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (29.8%), valve calcification (11.6%), and left ventricular systolic dysfunction (10.2%). With the increase of age, the left ventricular ejection fraction of MHD patients decreased, and the proportion of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, left atrial enlargement and pulmonary hypertension increased (all P<0.05). Among 363 MHD patients, 188(51.8%) had LVH. It was found that LVH patients had higher average single ultrafiltration volume, higher brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) level, more type 2 diabetes, lower left ventricular ejection fraction (all P<0.05), and were more prone to chest tightness, chest pain, post activity shortness of breath, heart failure and other symptoms compared with the non-LVH patients (all P<0.05). Conclusions:Most MHD patients have different degrees of cardiac structural changes. Early intervention, reduction of single ultrafiltration volume and control of blood glucose are beneficial to improve the dialysis quality of MHD patients and reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular events.

Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences) ; (6): 1046-1052, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998998


ObjectiveTo clarify the value of the left ventricular longitudinal strain(LVLS)parameters in patients with cardiac amyloidosis (CA) and primary hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy (HLVH). MethodsForty-one patients confirmed with CA were selected and assigned to CA with hypertension group (n =14) and pure CA group (n=27) based on the initial diagnosis with or without hypertension. Twenty patients with primary hypertension-induced left ventricular hypertrophy (HLVH group) and twenty healthy controls were also selected, matching for gender, age, and body surface area. Clinical data, conventional echocardiography parameters were collected and LVLS parameters were measured. Within-group variations were compared among the four groups, and pairwise comparisons were conducted between groups. The sensitivity and specificity of each parameter in predicting CA were judged by the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curvy in CA and HLVH patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) preserved. ResultsAmong the conventional echocardiography parameters, LVEF and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) were lower in the CA with hypertension group and pure CA group compared with the higher values in the HLVH group and control group. Whereas, left ventricular posterior wall thickness (LVPWT), relative wall thickness (RWT), and average E/e' were higher in the two CA groups compared with the HLVH group (all P<0.05).Among the LVLS parameters, Global longitudinal strain (GLS) was the worst in the CA with hypertension group so as pure CA group, modest in the HLVH group, and highest in the control group. On the contrary, relative longitudinal strain and ejection fraction strain ratio (EFSR) were the highest in the CA with hypertension group so as to pure CA group, modest in the HLVH group, and lowest in the control group (all P<0.05). ROC analysis showed that when LVEF was preserved, the absolute value of GLS less than 14.35% and EFSR higher than 4.28 could effectively distinguish CA from HLVH (all AUCs>0.9,all P<0.05); meanwhile GLS showed high sensitivity(100%) and EFSR showed great specificity(95%). There were not statistically significance in any parameter between CA with hypertension group and pure CA group(all P>0.05). ConclusionWhether CA was complicated with hypertension or not, there were statistically significance among routine echocardiography and LVLS parameters compared with HLVH. In particular, GLS and EFSR are accurate in predicting CA in patients with myocardial hypertrophy and preserved LVEF.

Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine ; (12): 833-840, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994410


Objective:To explore the effect and mechanism of small GTP-binding protein GDP dissociation stimulator (SmgGDS) on the development of obesity.Methods:(1) 8-week-old C57BL/6J mice were randomly assigned to normal diet and high fat diet group, with 6 mice in each group. They were fed regular feed and a high fat diet containing 60% fat for 4 months, respectively. The expression of SmgGDS in epididymal adipose tissue (eWAT), liver, and skeletal muscle were measured using Western-blot. (2) 6-week-old wild-type (WT) and SmgGDS knockdown (KD) mice were divided into four groups, each receiving high fat diet for 4 months (7 in each group) and 7 months (9 in each group). Glucose tolerance test (GTT) and insulin tolerance test (ITT) were conducted; the weight, adipose tissue, and liver weight of mice were recorded; HE staining examined adipose tissue structural changes; Western-blot determined extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation levels in eWAT; real time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used to detect mRNA levels of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα), C/EBPβ and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in eWAT. (3) Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) extracted from WT and KD mice were induced for differentiation. Oil red O staining and Western-blot were used to detect lipid droplet and expression of SmgGDS and phospho-ERK; C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and PPARγ mRNA levels were measured using RT-qPCR. (4) 10-week-old C57BL/6J mice were randomly assigned into two groups, with 7 mice in each group. Mice were infected with SmgGDS overexpressing adeno-associated virus (AAV-SmgGDS) or empty vector intraperitoneally, then fed with high fat diet. After 4 weeks, performed GTT and ITT; recorded the weight and adipose tissue weight of mice; HE staining was used to analyze structural changes of eWAT; Western-blot was used to detect the phosphorylation level of ERK in eWAT.Results:(1) The expression of SmgGDS was significantly upregulated in eWAT of high fat diet fed mice (normal diet group: 0.218±0.037, high fat diet group:0.439±0.072, t=2.74, P=0.034). (2) At 4 months of high fat diet intervention, the glucose tolerance (60 minutes after glucose injection, WT group: 528 mg/dl±21 mg/dl, KD group: 435 mg/dl±17 mg/dl, t=3.47, P=0.030; 90 minutes, WT group: 463 mg/dl±24 mg/dl, KD group: 366 mg/dl±18 mg/dl, t=3.23, P=0.047;120 minutes, WT group: 416 mg/dl±21 mg/dl, KD group: 297 mg/dl±16 mg/dl, t=4.49, P=0.005) and insulin sensitivity (15 minutes after insulin injection, WT group: 77.79%±3.45%, KD group: 54.30%±2.92%, t=3.49, P=0.005; 30 minutes, WT group: 62.27%±5.31%, KD group: 42.25%±1.85%, t=2.98, P=0.024; 90 minutes, WT group: 85.69%±6.63%, KD group: 64.71%±5.41%, t=3.12, P=0.016) of KD mice were significantly improved compared to the WT group, with an increase in eWAT weight ratio (WT: 4.19%±0.18%, KD: 5.12%±0.37%, t=2.28, P=0.042), but a decrease in average adipocyte area (WT group: 5 221 μm2±241 μm2, KD group: 4 410 μm2±196 μm2, t=2.61, P=0.026). After 7 months of high fat diet, the eWAT weight ratio of KD mice decreased (WT: 5.02%±0.20%, KD: 3.88%±0.21%, t=3.92, P=0.001) and adipocyte size decreased (WT group: 6 783 μm2±390 μm2, KD group: 4 785 μm2±303 μm2, t=4.05, P=0.002). The phospho-ERK1 in eWAT increased (WT group: 0.174±0.056, KD group: 0.588±0.147, t=2.64, P=0.025), and mRNA level of PPARγ significantly decreased (WT group: 1.018±0.128, KD group: 0.029±0.015, t=7.70, P=0.015). (3) The expression of SmgGDS was significantly increased in differentiated MEF (undifferentiated: 6.789±0.511, differentiated: 10.170±0.523, t=4.63, P=0.010); SmgGDS knock-down inhibited lipid droplet formation in MEF (WT group: 1.00±0.02, KD group: 0.88±0.02, t=5.05, P=0.007) and increased ERK1 (WT group: 0.600±0.179, KD group: 1.325±0.102, t=3.52, P=0.025) and ERK2 (WT group: 2.179±0.687, KD group: 5.200±0.814, t=2.84, P=0.047) activity, which can be reversed by ERK1/2 inhibitor. (4) SmgGDS over expression resulted in weight gain, increased eWAT weight (control group: 3.29%±0.36%, AAV-SmgGDS group: 4.27%±0.26%, t=2.20, P=0.048) and adipocyte size (control group: 3 525 μm2±454 μm2, AAV-SmgGDS group: 5 326 μm2±655 μm2, t=2.26, P=0.047), impaired insulin sensitivity(30 minutes after insulin injection, control group: 44.03%±4.29%, AAV-SmgGDS group: 62.70%±2.81%, t=3.06, P=0.019), and decreased ERK1 (control group: 0.829±0.077, AAV-SmgGDS group: 0.326±0.036, t=5.96, P=0.001) and ERK2 (control group: 5.748±0.287, AAV-SmgGDS group: 2.999±0.845, t=3.08, P=0.022) activity in eWAT. Conclusion:SmgGDS knockdown improves obesity related glucose metabolism disorder by inhibiting adipogenesis and adipose tissue hypertrophy, which is associated with ERK activation.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 88-95, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975160


ObjectiveTo reveal the clinical efficacy of Yunpi Huatan Tongqiao prescription in relieving inflammation, hypoxia, and adenoidal hypertrophy (AH), and improving the quality of sleep-disordered breathing in children with AH by promoting M2-type polarization of macrophages through a randomized double-blind clinical trial. MethodSeventy-one AH children who met the research criteria and were treated in the Department of Pediatrics of Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from March 2022 to February 2023 were divided into an observation group (36 cases) and a control group (35 cases). A randomized double-blind method was adopted. The patients in the observation group were given Yunpi Huatan Tongqiao prescription combined with placebo of montelukast sodium chewable tablets, while those in the control group were given montelukast sodium chewable tablets combined with placebo of Yunpi Huatan Tongqiao prescription. The treatment course was 84 days. After treatment, the therapeutic effect and sleep monitoring indicators were compared. Before and after treatment, venous blood was collected to compare the levels of macrophage polarization-related inflammatory factors between the two groups. ResultThe adenoidal/nasopharyngeal space (A/N) integral in the nasal and pharyngeal lateral radiographs, After treatment, the AH therapeutic effect score, and the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome therapeutic effect score in both groups were lower than those before treatment (P<0.01). Compared with the control group after treatment, the observation group showed a more significant reduction in various integral levels (P<0.05, P<0.01). The improvement degree of A/N in the nasal and pharyngeal lateral radiographs in the observation group was better than that in the control group (Z=-2.970, P<0.01), and the total effective rate of the therapeutic effect of AH (χ2=7.715, P<0.01) and the TCM syndrome therapeutic effect (χ2=13.239, P<0.01) were superior to those in the control group. The levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in both groups after treatment were lower, and the level of interleukin-10 (IL-10) was higher than those before treatment (P<0.01). The level of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) showed an increasing trend, but the difference was not statistically significant. Compared with the control group after treatment, the observation group showed more significant improvement in IL-10 and TNF-α levels (P<0.01), a decreasing trend in IL-6, and an increasing trend in TGF-β, but the difference was not statistically significant. Compared with the results before treatment, the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) in both groups decreased significantly (P<0.01). The observation group showed a significant reduction in the duration of the longest apnea and the longest hypopnea, as well as a significant increase in the mean and lowest oxygen saturation (P<0.01). The control group also showed improvements in the above indicators, but the difference was not statistically significant. Compared with the control group after treatment, the observation group showed a more significant improvement in AHI, ODI, the duration of the longest hypopnea, and mean and lowest oxygen saturation (P<0.05, P<0.01). There was a decreasing trend in the longest duration of apnea, but the difference was not statistically significant. ConclusionYunpi Huatan Tongqiao prescription can reduce the size of adenoids, alleviate clinical symptoms and signs in AH children, improve the constitution characterized by "spleen deficiency and phlegm obstruction", reduce the occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing events, alleviate the degree of hypoxia in the child's body during sleep at night, and has satisfactory clinical efficacy. The improvement of clinical symptoms and sleep quality in AH children by Yunpi Huatan Tongqiao prescription may be achieved by promoting macrophage polarization from M1 to M2.